30 January 2005

bottoms up

so i bought this juice from the farmer's market yesterday and i was looking at the label while i was opening it and it says "warning: this product is unpasteurized and may contain bacteria that may be harmful to children, the elderly or those with weakened immune systems."


i drank it anyway.

i have a good joke about pastuerization:
so there was this blonde who went to skin care boutique because she wanted a milk bath. "sir," she said to the sales clerk,"i would like to buy some milk for a milk bath." "Well," he responded," would you like your milk pastuerized?" the blonde responded,"No, up to my tits is fine."

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mmmmm cherry pie

i had such an extreme fat girl moment last night.

i stole four pieces of cherry pie from the dining commons.

it's sad when your life starts to revolve around food.

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29 January 2005


so what's more boring than microfilm?

microfilm from 1913.


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26 January 2005

what did you just say?

here are some words that i have discovered people around here don't say, have never heard, don't understand most of the time and generally laugh at me when i say them:

shiznit (as in this prof is the shiznit)
mo (as in mo tight!)
hard a (as in what you need to have a fun night)
biznack (as in why are you all up in my biznack?)
chief (as in you wake up with balls written on your forehead)
chonch (as in after a hard night of partying, mary is chonching in the toilet)

well at least they say hella down here (nor cal forever!)

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23 January 2005

kanye's workout plan...

so after a rather uneventful night of frat hopping, i woke up and decided to workout. as if working out isn't bad enough as it is, some girl had her stereo down there and was blasting her music. the madonna was tolerable espcially since i had my ipod, but when she put on nsync and turned it up, i just got annoyed. seriously, don't subject people to your shitty choice in music cuz i'm not subjecting you to my much better taste in music even though it would probably do you good.

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20 January 2005

tanning = scary

so my roommate works at a tanning salon that just opened on telegraph, about two blocks down and one block over from our dorms. we like to pick laura up from work cuz she usually works until it's dark and she was already almost mugged while walking through campus on the middle of a sunday afternoon. (the best thing about this whole incidence is that Laura called me after it happened and was absolutely cracking up over the whole situation. talk about having a sense of humor about life). anywho, so david and i went to pick laura up from work and while she was closing we wandered around the salon. Now, I've never seen a tanning upclose before, and frankly, they look like coffins. david would agree to this. there was a super tanning bed at the end that kind of reminded me of that coffin thing that michael jackson sleeps in. we decided that the place is a tanning salon by day and a vampire's layer by night. would that be a most awesome teen comedy/horror flick? i should write that one up and send it to quentin tarantino or francis ford coppola.

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mr polzin, the phone

so alex definitely needs to call me way more often because his ringtone is the pixies "where is my mind" and it's perhaps my most favorite ringtone of all time.

alex also needs to transfer to berkeley, b/c architecture students here definitely aren't as cool. take fore example, paul who lives across the hall, who cheats on his girlfriend, tries to lure me into his bed with alcohol and is definitely watching porn with another guy in his room.

can you saw eewwww?

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18 January 2005

just as good if not better

i wore a denim miniskirt and lime green knee high socks and white mary-janes to school today. it is seriously amazing the kind of attention you will get with lime green knee high socks. So not only did i rediscover my love of learning, i rediscoverd my love of knee high socks. they may not be lace up suede knee high boots, but i still got to traipse around in a miniskirt.

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back in the saddle again

i don't think i've experienced this kind of excitement about education since i started kindergarten. and i am thrilled to discover that the ennui induced by 12 years of mandatory primary education isn't permament. i came here to learn and now that the learning has begun i can barely contain my childish giddiness. who knew learning could be this fun??

i only had two classes today, my poli sci lecture and my discussion for history 7b (US history from after the Civil War to present). I'm particuarly excited about history and I haven't even had lecture yet. My GSI was telling us about the prof, Leon Litwack. He is a Pulitzer Prize winner and has been teaching for 40 years. As you can imagine, he doesn't exactly need to be teaching a introductory history class. So basically he is doing it purely for the love of nourishing young minds, such as mine. People like Prof. Litwack make up for all the Ms. Harrises in the entire world.

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15 January 2005

check it

Originally uploaded by sothenodoubter.

yeah, i'm so conceited that i put pictures of myself up on my own blog.

and one more thing. am i really that white?!

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~gasp~ fresh food!!!!!

we went to the farmer's market today! it was pretty nice. certainly not pike place but seeing fresh vegetabls and fruits was consolation enough. i bought a baguette, four pink lady apples, a button pastry for myself and one for laura who was unable to attend because she had training for her new job at the tanning salon on telegraph ave. on the way back i bought three gerbera daisies and put my florist shop work experience to use. claudia's throw back for sure.

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14 January 2005

the long awaited something that we've been looking for

or whatever the beckett quote is.

so today alice, my other suitemate, moved in. we have been speculating what she will be like for the past 5 days. and for the past five days we have greatly anticipated her arrival. we had many theories about alice's character, but i think the theory we settled on was alice the one-legged crack whore. awful i know, but this is how we pass the time at berkeley...judging people before we even meet them. however, this particular scenario seemed to work especially well because john from across the hall is missing his roommate as well. so as our theory goes, matt is alice's pimp and they eloped together. he is a stern but loving master. alas, alice is nothing of the sort. she is a quiet and polite korean girl whose stuff smells kind of funny and is indeed what we most expected in our hearts.

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Originally uploaded by sothenodoubter.

laura and i did our first load(s) of laundry today. i did one load...laura did 5. granted one load was a cardigan and the other was a pair of slippers. but still, between the two of us, all six of the washing machines were in use. it was a rather successful venture as far as laundry goes. nothing shrank, got discolored or was lost. cheers to laundry.

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tree huggers

Originally uploaded by sothenodoubter.

in true berkeley spirit, katie and i hugged a very large eucalyptus tree during the midnight tour of the campus. picture courtesy of scott from wada.

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we know...

Originally uploaded by sothenodoubter.

this should give you a sense of the boys who live across the hall.

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so i am discovering something about dntel at this moment. dntel, like most other exceptionally good music, is even better when played very very loud through headphones. if you are unfamiliar with dntel, i highly suggest you download some immediately. last songs is wonderful and this is the song (of evan and chan) is awesome too, especially if you like the postal service because it is afterall the first song ben gibbard and jimmy tambarello did together which started the whole postal service thing in the first place! there is a lot of sublety to his music so just remember to play it nice and loud.

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13 January 2005

uh...i think someone made a mistake

if anything has become blatantly clear in the last couple days, it is the fact that i have some serious issues. i'm beginning to think that maybe someone made a mistake admitting me into this school. for instance, i cannot figure out the doors in our bathroom. one of them you have to push and the other you have to pull. i was having such a hard time with the doors that i wrote push and pull on the doors. shit community college really did make me stupid.

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Originally uploaded by sothenodoubter.

these are some of my new friends. on the left is laura, my roommate. she is from socal and doesn't say hella. laura wants to be a biz ad major. she likes to read. laura and i have a few things in common. we are both vegetarians and worked at the old spaghetti factory. she has many loves of her life that i have trouble keeping track of. she claimst to be anti-social but she seems to get along with everyone and i find her quite fun.

on the right is david from across the hall. he came all the way from portland, maine (where he used to work at L.L. Bean) to go to school here. he said something about transfering to UC Davis because he could major in wine production but we are currently trying to dissuade him. it seems that david an i like a lot of the same music, thus far: jimi hendrix, jay-z and radiohead. however, david almost gave me a heartattack because he didn't know who gwen stefani was.

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Originally uploaded by sothenodoubter.

welcome to my side of room 209 B located in Towle Hall! Now that i have my posters up, my dorm room is starting to feel a little more like home. it's amazing what some pieces of paper can do for a room. i really love our dorm room. apparently our rooms at the end of the hall are substantially bigger than the other rooms. also, my room is designed to be a triple. given that there are only two of us living in it, there is a generous helping of space.

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12 January 2005

at long last

so i am officially a college student. i even have the college email address to prove it (ssalazarrubio@calmail.berkeley.edu)! i'm all moved in and pretty much settled. the only thing left is putting up my posters. we got some poster gum today because we aren't allowed to put holes in the walls since they are brand spanking new dorms. the we i refer to is myself, my roommate Laura, our suitemate Katie and a guy from across the hall David from Maine. We took the BART to El Cerrito Del Norte to go to Target and pick up some essentials and some nonessentials...mostly nonessentials. I'm so glad that there is a Target relatively nearby because i must continue my love affair. anywho, my roomies are awesome and the guys who live across the hall are pretty tight. all in all i'm adjusting well and trying very hard to avoid homesickness. regardless, i still have pangs of missing those i reluctantly left behind.

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07 January 2005

kiss of the flea

those crazy spaniards, they've certainly got a flair for fashion. i bought this kukuxumusu brand pen from third place books yesterday. it's green and it has cows in camo w/ guns and one lone hippy flower-child cow with a peace sign painted on its udder. it's wildly strange and hilarious, so i figured i'd check out their website, which initially was entirely in spanish. once i got it translated, i wandered around and found the most incredible merchandise. t-shirts of a panda being humped by a koala (my personal favorite), an owl snorting a line of coke, porcupines having sex and other more disturbing yet strangely fascinating images. for a couple dozen euro, these magnificent creations can be yours. pretty fucking cool.

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