30 October 2004

birthday blues

yeah, so. I knew I was going to be alone on my birthday (November 2nd ~nudgenudge~), but I didn't think i was giong to be this alone. I can't even throw a party because no one would be able to come. Sean has a football game, Caley is in California, Mel is up at Western. My dad isn't even in the country. I'm going to try really hard not to be depressed. Afterall it is my birthday. I'm supposed to have fun. Eat cake, open presents (ehm, from my family I guess), do other birthday things. The only thing that could possibly make up for my utter lack of friends on my birthday is if Kerry wins the election. Looks like there is major potential for a pretty bummer birthday this year.

Okay, I'll stop whining.

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14 October 2004

mind reading

Have you ever thought about how freaking cool it would be if there was some machine recording everything you thought during the day? I don't know about everyone else, but I think about some funny stuff and crack myself up on a regular basis. Seriously, that would be so cool to come home and have some fax machine with a huge sheet of paper coming out of it with all the random things you'd thought. Not only would this be awesome, you'd probably be able to remember tons of important things. Someone should invent one of these things. Seriously. I would die of laughter. And I wouldn't have to write this blog.

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11 October 2004

media madness

So...I'm taking this class at Cascadia (Gender Inc.: The Construction of Sex and Gender in a Media Rich Society) and today we watched this video about the media's portrayal of women. I've never really stopped and taken the time to deconstruct the images that we're being bombarded with. Advertising is so ubiquitous that you don't even realize it's there and that it's having an affect on you, whether you like it or not. Anywho, so we were talking about how all media tells a story and advertising doesn't just tell you a story about a pair of jeans or men's cologne, but what it really tells us is a story about ourselves. And we talked about all the messages that the media is sending about women and how it's created this norm dominated by women that comprise something like 5% of the female population. It just made me feel helpless because there isn't anything I can do about how my gender is portrayed. I dunno, I'm kind of going on a rant. But I think the thing I was really struck by was when we started discussing objectification of men, which isn't nearly as bad. But we were focusing on objectifying men as $$ basicallly and how it puts on the pressure of being financially stable. Then I realized, that even with this negative consequence for guys, women were still getting the short end of the stick because not only did it make men seem only useful for their money, it made women seem like they couldn't be stable with some rich man. I dunno. What to do, right?

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08 October 2004

alex is the shiznit

Special spotlight on Alex, as he is person of the moment. And the only one who is reading my blog right now :). I'll take this opportunity to step away from the egotism that is slowly beginning to consume me. Oh ho, you laugh because you think I'm joking. Seriously, these blogs do wonders for your ego.

But yeah, back to Alex, because that's what this is REALLY all about, right?

Alex is seriously tight. So in honor of him, there is my top 5 favorite things about Alex in no particular order:

1. His sense of humor: Alex is perhaps the funniest person I have ever met. How many people do you know that can turn classic literature into fantastic comedy? Only Alex. He's quick on his feet, so stay alert.

2. His dance moves: The kid can dance. I would know. We kicked it at Bumbershoot during the electronica set. Dancing with Alex is a liberating experience.

3. His literary allusions: I swear, everything that comes out of his mouth has something to do with great literature. He's really just that smart.

4. Alex the artist: Alex draws really awesome pictures. He once drew me a picture of an elephant and a weasel. I know it sounds boring, but it was seriously tight.

5. His pop-culture sensibilities: You'd never think it, but Alex is the biggest pop-culture whore on the face of the planet. How can you not love people like that.


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fascinating factoids

Since this blog is by nature sickeningly egocentric, I will indulge myself by writing some more about well me. Here in condensed, easy to swallow form is random information about me, which you may or may not already know.

*CD of the Moment: Incubus' A Crow Left of the Murder
Song of Moment from aforementioned CD: zee deveel
Lyric of the Moment from aforementioned song: "you should be careful what you wish for/ cuz everyone of us has
a devil inside/ you should be careful what you wish for/ cuz all
all of what amounts becomes you."

*Website of the Moment: www.muffinfilms.com
credit where credit's due: Thank you to Alex for introducing me to this great form of entertainment.

*Favorite Color: Green. My favorite color always used to be blue, but I've recently developed a strange obsession with green. I am on the prowl for green shoes. They have been frustratingly elusive thus far.

*Person of the Moment: Alex Polzin. He's the shiznit.

*Pet Peeve of the Moment: Inacessible people. Seriously, they invented phones for a reason.

*Food of the Moment: These amazing cookies from Safeway, of all places. They're incredible, I'm telling you.

*Awesome purchase of the Week: I bought this shirt from the Bon that says "vote 11.02.04" which I think is tight because it says to vote (which you all should do) and also election day is my birthday! So not only does this shirt commemorate my birthday but also the first time I will get to vote! Exciting, I know.

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gut check

So who just finished watching the Presidential Debate? That would be me. I'm glad I was able to watch it, especially since I missed the first one because I was stuck at work. I listened on the radio on my way home and was surprised to hear Bush yelling, actually yelling. I only wish that I had been at home to see it. I was shocked to see them standing up during their responses and walking around. Bush looked so short and....stupid. ~giggle~

But down to the real issues. Overall, I thought Kerry did well, but I was surprisingly unimpressed. Especially when he answered the question about abortion. Pretty typical, don't-want-to-offend-anyone, politican type answer. But who can blame him, a politican is what he is. I think Kerry has much more grace than Bush and certainly doesn't come off as ignorant. But I'm so totally and unabashedly biased, it's sick. I shouldn't even be talking about this stuff.

The thing that I've been thinking about for the last hour or so, is how there should be a debate between Laura Bush and Theresa Heinz Kerry. We all know that Theresa would just pulverize poor Laura, but it'd be fun to watch. They say behind every great man there's a great woman, right? So why not see what these women have got in them. Mostly, I'd just like to watch Theresa, cuz she's a Heinz and that's freaking tight. Do you think she uses Heinz ketchup? Do you think she says ketchup or katsup?

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for alex's sake

Welcome, one and all, to my humble blog. I do feel kind of dorky having one of these, but Alex told me I should make one and well, Alex is god, so I figured...why not? Also, he said he would read it, and I would consider it a distinguished honor to have someone like Alex read my blog.

So....I'll attempt to make this somewhat interesting. Wish me luck.

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