06 November 2005

the blog is back

sooooooo.....in sheer desperation to find new methods of procrastination, I tried the myspace thing, and yeah...it's kind of cool, but i found myself missing the days of the blog. now, i know that blogs are supposed to be political and actually interesting and ruminations about the most mundane aspects of daily life should be relegated to a diary or livejournal....but i love my blog and and i feel that it's period of quiet hibernation needs to come to an end.

granted, i understand that probably no one ever read my blog and no one was particularly heartbroken when i stopped writing in it for a few months and that i'm probably writing for my own entertainment...but that kind of gets at the heart of blogging in a sense: shameless self-indulgence and truly being the center of your own universe.

so i'm back to perform cpr on my blog and bring it back to life. i'll try and be political, savvy, provoking, antagonizing, in addition to a whole range of human emotions.

welcome back blog. i missed you.

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