08 October 2004

fascinating factoids

Since this blog is by nature sickeningly egocentric, I will indulge myself by writing some more about well me. Here in condensed, easy to swallow form is random information about me, which you may or may not already know.

*CD of the Moment: Incubus' A Crow Left of the Murder
Song of Moment from aforementioned CD: zee deveel
Lyric of the Moment from aforementioned song: "you should be careful what you wish for/ cuz everyone of us has
a devil inside/ you should be careful what you wish for/ cuz all
all of what amounts becomes you."

*Website of the Moment: www.muffinfilms.com
credit where credit's due: Thank you to Alex for introducing me to this great form of entertainment.

*Favorite Color: Green. My favorite color always used to be blue, but I've recently developed a strange obsession with green. I am on the prowl for green shoes. They have been frustratingly elusive thus far.

*Person of the Moment: Alex Polzin. He's the shiznit.

*Pet Peeve of the Moment: Inacessible people. Seriously, they invented phones for a reason.

*Food of the Moment: These amazing cookies from Safeway, of all places. They're incredible, I'm telling you.

*Awesome purchase of the Week: I bought this shirt from the Bon that says "vote 11.02.04" which I think is tight because it says to vote (which you all should do) and also election day is my birthday! So not only does this shirt commemorate my birthday but also the first time I will get to vote! Exciting, I know.

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