09 December 2004

the countdown begins...

as of today, i have only one month left until i leave for berkeley. i remember thinking that this moment seemed so far away and all of a sudden it snuck up on me. one month left. thirty-one days. 744 hours. it really isn't that much in the scheme of things. and i know it's going to just fly by. only so much time left with the people that i love. only so much time for normalcy. i can't even fathom how different my life is going to be in a matter of weeks. i'm astounded, dazzled and scare. last night, my dad asked me to stay home and go to UW. i have to admit, i considered his request for a few minutes. but just as i am resisting the though of leaving and accepting change, a part of me knows it is time. i'm so overdue compared to the everyone else, but i don't think i'm spoiled yet. just ripe enough for the taking.

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