18 January 2005

back in the saddle again

i don't think i've experienced this kind of excitement about education since i started kindergarten. and i am thrilled to discover that the ennui induced by 12 years of mandatory primary education isn't permament. i came here to learn and now that the learning has begun i can barely contain my childish giddiness. who knew learning could be this fun??

i only had two classes today, my poli sci lecture and my discussion for history 7b (US history from after the Civil War to present). I'm particuarly excited about history and I haven't even had lecture yet. My GSI was telling us about the prof, Leon Litwack. He is a Pulitzer Prize winner and has been teaching for 40 years. As you can imagine, he doesn't exactly need to be teaching a introductory history class. So basically he is doing it purely for the love of nourishing young minds, such as mine. People like Prof. Litwack make up for all the Ms. Harrises in the entire world.

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